Contributor Info

Our subscribers have come to depend on DERMASCOPE as their source of clear educational information. All articles submitted for consideration must meet the following criteria:

Articles should be written from an aesthetic educator’s point-of-view. Articles must be educational, comprehensive, and positive. Whenever practical, alternative options and techniques should be mentioned. Overall, articles must remain generic in nature. Manuscripts cannot promote specific products, procedures, or people. Instead, press releases, new products, industry profiles, news items, etc., will be considered for inclusion within courtesy sections: Take Note, Scope This, Resources, or Worth A Look depending on space availability and other editorial criteria.
Furthermore, articles must not be slanted against a particular segment of the trade. Support your hypothesis based on documented facts about your subject; theory must be able to stand on its own merits, without referring negatively to other industry services, procedures, or products. Please include research and other reference materials that support your claim.

How-tos, skin therapy, body therapy, diet, nutrition, spa, equipment, medical procedures, makeup, and business articles should be approximately 1,500-2,000 words. Feature stories are should be between 1,800-2,500 words. Sidebars are a plus. Stories exceeding 2,500 may be printed in part and run in concurrent issues.

Ancillary Items:
The following items should accompany every article submission:

  1. Author’s biography including contact information for readers. Maximum word count of 100
    (Bio submissions that exceed this word count will be edited.)
  2. A professional color headshot in digital format (See artwork specifications below.)
  3. A one to two sentence quote/tease about the article
  4. Three to five review questions, preferably written in either a true/false, or multiple-choice format
  5. Signed Copyright Waiver Agreement
    (Please note that articles will NOT be published without receipt of a signed Copyright Waiver Agreement.)

Articles should include quality images, graphs, or charts when available. Electronic images should be 300 dpi, CMYK, and either JPG, TIF, PSD, or EPS format. Photo credits, model releases, and identification of subjects or techniques shown in photos are required. Photos will NOT be returned; please do NOT send original artwork.

Acceptance Policy:
All article submissions must be original works of the author. Simultaneous submissions will NOT be considered. Reprints are NOT accepted. All articles should be submitted in electronically as an MS Word document in 12 pt Times New Roman font.
DERMASCOPE acquires all rights and a signed release form is required. We publish manuscripts on an average of four to six months after acceptance and reserve the right to final edit all materials, kill an article, or reschedule its publication date.

We appreciate your interest in DERMASCOPE Magazine and look forward to your editorial contribution.

Amy McKay
310 East Interstate 30, Suite B107
Garland, TX 75043
469-429-9301 (fax)

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