We have been working in the hair removal industry for 30 years – as the company that pioneered professional sugaring. Without a shadow of a doubt, your pre & post protocol is just as important as the actual extraction of the hair. Safe aesthetics begins with sanitation of your room and equipment, using non-latex gloves, properly prepping the skin, and not skipping the care needed right after extracting the hair.
Doing your research beforehand can save you a lot of disappointment when it comes to selecting a brand for your salon, your treatments, and ultimately the skin of your clients. I encourage you to consider the higher level of consumer awareness today in that they look for products that are vegan, cruelty-free, of course also paraben-free, and in our case gluten-free as well.
THE FOLLOWING IS A PROTOCOL WE TEACH WORLDWIDE FOR BOTH PROFESSIONAL BODY SUGARING AND STRIP SUGAR TREATMENTS (like waxing but instead of wax-resin products we use a gentle skin-friendly sugar formulation for the strip method). All of our products are safe to use from head to toe on both genders and all ages.
PRE-TREATMENT PROTOCOL – Prepping the skin begins with cleansing the area to be treated. Something anti-microbial, perfume-free, with a healthy PH balance, and non-drying to the skin is a healthy start. Regardless of your choice between waxing or sugaring, the treatment should always begin with a good cleanse. The skin should be free from make-up, lotion, “debris”, and surface bacteria.
In the case of Alexandria Professional sugaring treatments, we then apply our Essential Tonic which is naturally anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory (also cell-regenerating).
Then after the Essential Tonic is fully absorbed into the skin, we apply a very thin layer onto the skin of our naturally derived powder which is free from talc and aluminum. This is to provide a light barrier between the sugar paste and the skin to help prevent “sticking to the skin” by ensuring there is zero moisture remaining on the skin after prepping.
We will liberally re-apply the Essential Tonic to soothe the skin and help protect the follicles from contracting bacteria.
Then we will apply our Restore Hydrating lotion to the wet skin from the tonic and message both the Essential Tonic and the Restore Lotion into the skin.
These steps along with our general and individual advice to the clients help ensure the experience is well appreciated at the salon but also afterward when they return home. For more information on how to work with troubled skin, various skin conditions, and skin reactions, please email us at info@alexandriapro.com. Feel free to view our free-educational webinars or you can browse through our many informational videos on our Youtube Channel.
I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for you and your clients.
All the best to you,
Lina Kennedy, President, alexandriaprofessional.com
For retail, Ingrown Hair treatments are always great products to educate your clients on for take home care. Exfoliating is important so adding scrubs or exfoliating products to your retail line can be beneficial.
Hopefully thank helps! Please reach out with any further questions lindsay@lyconusa.com
Happy Waxing!
Thats a great question and can be very overwhelming with everything on the market! Having been in the business over thirty years and owning a school for the last eighteen, I find that “less is more”. A quality product without crazy ingredients…that is effective and affordable. At the Institute we use WaxOne pre and post…as well as the WaxOne hard and strip wax.
The students and the clients love it, and we have not had any issues at all!
Check it out…dimensionsaa.com, or call 1-866-486-5823
Good Luck!
Michelle Brenner
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